Monthly packages of Joy
Every month you get a fun goodie bag of exclusive accessories, what's not to like?
what's on the menu this month...?"Energy Vampire"Here's a summary of what Virtual-K Secret Menu customers are enjoying this month.
If you're interested in any of the offerings, take a look at how the Secret Menu works and pick the tier that holds the goodies you desire. |
photo galleryPICTURESQUE PACKAGESSee what customers have ordered off The Secret Menu in the past few years of operation!
brief menu overviewTHE SECRET MENU CATERS TO MANY DIFFERENT TASTESWe've got Physical Fancies and Digital Delights so you can join this league of exclusive customers however you like!
join the club!
While my virtual kitchen is both nowhere and everywhere at the same time, there's only 2 places where you can order off The Secret Menu.
If you're feeling stuck and unsure of which location to visit, check out "Where Should I Go?" to see a comparison between the two locations. |
can't join the club?
If you can't join my exclusive monthly goodies club, that's perfectly fine as well! I have multiple other ways you can support me through my internet-based art & design business, TTART.